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There are three key factors to consider when choosing the surface for bathroom countertops. Style, function, and durability, in no particular order, vary depending on the material and the surface finish. Rock Solid Custom Granite features a staggering array of bathroom countertop surfaces. We are offering our customers a plethora of choices including granite, soapstone, limestone, travertine, marble, onyx and quartz.

Most of our customers use those three key factors and then consider the fourth factor: cost. We realize that images can do only so much and that the best way to properly pick a bathroom countertop is to look and feel the material in person. It is easier to decide once you see the finished product and get a better feel for it. Here are some suggestions we created for our customers to help them make just the right decision for their home.

Safest Choices for Bathroom Countertops

The bathroom is the place where most of us start the day. This could include washing your face, brushing teeth, putting makeup on, or simply tidying up before taking on your day. Ideally, we all want a perfect start to our day, and that’s why countertop material choice matters. Granite and quartz are the “safe picks” when it comes to considering the three factors of style, function, and durability.

Granite Offers a Few Advantages:

  • It is the hardest natural stone used for counter tops
  • Offers a great selection of colors
  • High scratch, heat and stain resistance
  • Quartz is one of the hardest minerals in the world and features an abundance of types and brands to choose from:
  • A wide range of vibrant tones and natural stone styles
    Does not require polishing or sealing
  • Has anti-microbial properties ideal for family use
    A Lower-Cost Alternative

luxurious room

Travertine, Compared to Granite, Is Less Expensive:

Luxurious material that offers a high-end look
Offers a number of finishing options
More porous compared to other rocks
Requires maintenance and constant care, stains and scratches easily

Visit Our Stores to Make a Decision

Bathroom countertops have to be seen and touched in person to be able to visualize it in your home. At our location in Durango, CO, our customers can get a better sense of the choices available and ask our courteous and knowledgeable staff for other relevant information regarding bathroom countertops and similar surface products. Choosing a material that is going to be a part of your life for years should be a well-informed decision, and we would be happy to help you.