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Custom Kitchen Countertops

Updated kitchen countertops add beauty, personality, value, and convenience to your home. Natural and engineered stone are excellent choices for countertops in the kitchen, thanks to their durability and ease of maintenance. If you are considering upgrading your kitchen island or kitchen countertops with stone, Rock Solid Custom Granite is pleased to offer granite, marble, soapstone, and quartz countertops.

Natural Stone Kitchen Coutertops in Durango, CO

Caring for Your Natural Stone Kitchen Countertops

Natural stone countertops are not only visually appealing, they are easy to care for as well. You’ll only need to keep a few things in mind to maintain your granite, marble, quartz & quartzite countertops for years to come.

  • Your natural stone countertop will be sealed with a 15 year sealer, which will give you many years of maintenance-free enjoyment. It is still wise to clean up spills immediately as over time they may be more difficult to remove. For further information, you can click here to learn more!
  • Caring for your Quartz countertops is relatively easy. Visit our FAQ page for more information. The best way to keep your countertops clean is to wipe them down once a day with a damp cloth. Never use acidic or abrasive cleaners or cleaning products on your natural stone kitchen countertops, as these could cause discoloration or scratches. Your countertop installer can provide you with a list of the best products to keep your countertops clean.
Stone Kitchen Countertops by Rock Solid Custom Granite in Durango, CO

Top Three Benefits of Stone Countertops in the Kitchen

Why should your home improvement plan include natural stone countertops in the kitchen? In addition to ease of maintenance and durability, marble, granite, and quartz countertops offer you other benefits to enjoy long after your kitchen remodel. If you’d like to find out more about improving your home with natural stone, please call Rock Solid Custom Granite at 970-426-4350.

  • Natural stone countertops will turn your kitchen into a work of art. No two pieces of natural stone are alike, meaning your kitchen’s new look will be utterly unique and crafted to suit exactly your desires.
  • Installing natural stone countertops greatly increases the value of your kitchen. If you’re planning to rent or sell your home in the near or far future, stone countertops are a wise choice that will offer you excellent returns on your investment.
  • Unlike synthetic countertops, your natural stone countertops will last longer than any other surface in your home.

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